It's Christmas Time in Florida

Well, it's that time of the year again -- expensive lawn ornaments being destroyed, little female carolers going into strangers' houses and being taken advantage of, and corporations across the country are stealing back the money that they've paid you throughout the year. Now is the only time of year a straight man can wear just as much color as a gay man and not be questioned.

With Christmas being a mere three days away, I've decided to write a song and have it recorded in honor of a very special person in my life. I've known her for a few years, but in the past year, the two of us have grown very close. I can't thank her enough for all the lesson's I've learned from her, and all the love that the two of us have shared.

If you'd like to listen to the song, please follow the user-friendly link below:

Click here to download.

Note: The link for this song isn't available right now. I'm working on re-uploading the song and having it available as soon as possible.


The Day Judy Vanderoef Followed Me Up to Virginia

I'm currently spending my semester break in Richmond, Virginia with my lovely girlfriend Rachel. We are having a blast of a cold time up here. It was so cold the other night, my cell phone was frozen to the point where it couldn't switch between menus! Now that's fun!

Yes, that's a disease growing on me, not snow.

The FOCUS was not able to go anywhere late Sunday night.

The windows were unable to go down.

I decided to draw in the snow.

Rachel tried to eat the snow.

We had fun taking pictures outside.

A very "Clay Aiken" style picture, here.

A very, "Wow, that's a scary DVD cover, let's get that one, I'm sure it's a winner," picture, here.

The beautiful snow.

Something beautiful in the snow.

Both Rachel and I decorated this pretty tree. It's the first one that we've shared! Instead of a star, Rachel decided to buy two teddy bears (one green, and one blue) and put them on the top of the tree. It's very pretty!

A lovely blue ornament with me trapped inside.

A very messy room with Rachel trapped inside.

The Day After Tomorrow.

Wow, there's my FOCUS parked next to a GOLF. Could it be Judy Vanderoef following me upstate?

Ah HA! I told you Judy was here.

I hope that everyone is having a fun semester break as well! I'll be back in town late on the 27th. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays (unless you're black or Jewish, in which case, go to hell).



Every now and then, I take my rounds through the world of drama and hatred, i.e., LiVEJOURNAL. There are times, however, when some LiVEJOURNAL entries break the rules of the LiVEJOURNAL. Those rules are as follows:

Example Post
[ 06 Nov 2004 | 02:35pm ]

[ current song | school's out ]

omg kelly talked to me bout johnny today. so i dont know abuot plans this weekend for funnnnnn

2) LiVEJOURNALs must have horrible color schemes that make me want to scoop out my eyes and replace them with Cadbury Eggs (see above for example).

3) LiVEJOURNAL entries must be dramatic (think TNT).

Example Post
[ 06 Nov 2004 | 02:35pm ]

[ current song | we know drama - dance mix ]

Looks like today is another good day for killing myself.

4) LiVEJOURNAL entries must target one or more people in a personal attack, but the names have to be extremely vague, but at the same time, completely obvious.

Example Post
[ 06 Nov 2004 | 02:35pm ]

[ current song | stupid friends are fregging stuipid]

yeah, so i wont mention any names, but SOME PEOPLE seemed to not care about my new haircut, because when i walked into class today no one asaid antyhign about it, so i was upset. i guess some people arent good friends anyrmeo....................

Every now and then, however, there comes a LiVEJOURNAL user who breaks the rules. When this happens, is there to step in and make

L i V E J O U R N A L A D D i T i O N S !

And now, ladies and gentlemen, is our current LiVEJOURNAL additon -- Jill Vanderoef. Here's the original post:

My day has gone fairly well. First, we were on our way to the school and we were listening to Josh Groban's cd, Closer. I love that cd and I haven't listened to it in a long time. The French song came on, so that made me even happier.

When we got to school, I went to French class which reeked of pot. Pretty gross, but it got better.

Mr. Shott's class was just boring.

Vocal was pretty dumb. We all just wanted to practice for Thespians. She gave us time before the end of class though so we were able to practice everything... except my solo because I didn't have my cd.

On the way to my mom's laboratory for lunch, the lights flickered out in the hallway and it reminded me of Gothika. The lights stayed off for quite a while. Soo we went to lunch and I studied/freaked out a bit for my math test. Mr. Delbrugge got on the loud speaker and we were all crossing our fingers because the lights were still not on and we didn't want to go to fourth period. Why that would ever happen, I don't know haha but we wished anyway. Well, we still had to go and I still had to take a test.

I took the test and it was alright. I just hope I'll be happy.

It was a really nice day out! It felt so peaceful. I think that was partly because I have nothing to do today :DDDDD Wow how amazing is that?! Anyway, we went to the auditorium to tell Roach we weren't recording, the vocal room to give Sara her phone, and Albertsons to get hair dye and stuff for dinner. I'm going blonder (Whisper Soft Blonde!) the next time I dye mine! That won't be for another couple of weeks though I think. Anyway we bought these rosemary bread stick things that are really good. Tonight we're going to have tilapia! I might not eat too much of it, but I wanted to try some fish. For lunch tomorrow, we're having sushi =>


Boring, much? Here's the more LiVEJOURNAL appropriate version:

My day has gone fairy well, I suppose...i didnt want to kill myself, so thats good. First, we were on our way to the hell (A.K.A. school) and we were listening to Josh Groban's cd, Closer (I'd sure like to be closer to his pants). I love that cd (A.K.A. his pants) and I haven't listened to it in a long time. The French song came on, so that made me even happier (Josh Groban isn't a French man, but if he was, I'd still like his pants).

When we got to friggen school, I went to French class which reeked of pot. Pretty gross, but it got better after we all started passing around the pot and taking turns on the French "bong-o-rama."

Mr. Shott's class was just boring since he didn't have any pot.

Vocal was pretty dumb, despite the fact that our teacher mrs Fulmer had pot. We all just wanted to practice for lesbian action. She gave us time before the end of class though so we were able to practice everything... except my solo because I didn't have my cd ... so we just had to do the "group numbers"

On the way to my mom's lavatory for lunch, the lights flickered out in the hallway and it reminded me of Gothika. I assumed it was because SOME CERTAIN PERSON IN CHORUS THAT I DONT LIKE was walking down the hallways again. The lights stayed off for quite a while. Sooooooooooooooooooooo we went to lunch and I studied/freaked out a bit for my pregnancy test. Mr. Delbrugge got on the loud speaker and we were all crossing our fingers because the lights were still not on and we didn't want to go to fourth period. Why that would ever happen, I don't know haha but we wished anyway haha haha haha. Well, we still had to go and I still had to take a test (no baby, by the way).

I took the test and it was alirght. I just hope I'll be happy, so i wont hav eto kill me msyelf.

It was a really nice day when we got out of hell! It felt so peaceful. I think that was partly because I have no one to do today :DDDDD (I don't know that that is). Wow how amazing is that?! Anyway, we went to the auditorium to tell Roach we weren't recording, the vocal room to give Praying Mantis her phone, and Albertsons to get hair dye for dinner. I'm going blonder (Whisper Soft Sexual Messages Into My Ear Blond!) the next time I eat mine! That won't be for another couple of weeks though I think. I'll have to double check with Kristen about the broiler temperature for hair dinners. Anyway we bought these rosemary egg stick things that are really good. Tonight we're going to have toilet paper! I might not eat too much of it, but I wanted to try some feces. For lunch tomorrow, we're having leftovers


hahaha I love your lj
Me_Me_Me: Oh, wonderful!
DrugUserJill89: yeah
DrugUserJill89: hahahahah
Me_Me_Me: I knew you would. Or hate me.
DrugUserJill89: haha oo no i definitely hate you
Me_Me_Me: O:-)


Death in the Abyss

Today I provide you a link to the critically acclaimed book, "DEATH IN THE ABYSS," written and illustrated by, well, me, of course.

The story is based on reality, although some events have been "expanded on," per se, so just enjoy the story as if it were reality, although some things are definitely "enlarged." And when I say, "enlarged," I really mean, "expanded on."

Click on the book cover below to jump to the storybook page!

Note: I cannot find the image files associated with this blog entry. I will search the high and low of the web to find them and post them as soon as possible.


The Soul Roommate

The University of Central Florida (UCF) currently has a population of 42,568 students, 4,200 of which live on campus. Out of the 2,400 students who live on campus with roommates, around 1 in 24 room reassignments are requested each semester due to reported roommate conflicts. To facilitate the compatibility of roommate assignments, I propose that a comprehensive personality test replace the standard ten-question preference survey. This will promote a harmonious on-campus living experience as well as alleviate some unnecessary burden that UCF’s Housing and Residence Life has to undertake.

“I was excited when I moved into my dorm for the first time,” says Rachel Kindergan, a freshman at Virginia Commonwealth University. “When I first met my roommate, things were fine. But, after awhile, we just didn’t click. She had a teddy bear that she’d talk to. Like, when she was hungry, she’d tell the teddy bear to get her some food, and then she’d throw the bear at the refrigerator. There wasn’t anything on my housing application to prevent me from getting a crazy person for a roommate.” However, Rachel is not alone. Many college students aren’t happy with their roommates. Bianca Webb, a freshmen at Southeastern College in Florida says, “I deal with my roommate. Things are okay, but they could be a lot better. It’s not like online dating. I type in what I like, and matches come up. I’d be happier living with anyone I met online than [my roommate].”

Bianca is one of almost twenty-nine million Americans who participate in online dating websites (Funny Odds). One of the most popular dating services,, claims that the secret to finding your soul mate is by comparing compatibility in twenty-nine various dimensions of relationships. "Jason and I are getting married next month,” says Emily Boulder, an member. “We were both skeptics at first, but after spending some time on the site, we knew eHarmony would work." A very similar personality profiling and matchmaking service can be conducted for on-campus residents at UCF.

This project will be called “Soul Roommate Matchmaking,” and will be maintained by the same people in UCF’s Housing and Residence Life that currently handle roommate assignments. The matchmaking test itself will be named the “Soul Roommate Matchmaker,” or SAM. The test will be created by a team of selected psychology majors, and approved by a psychology professor as well as Housing and Residence Life. The SAM will consist of one-hundred wide-ranging questions focusing on personality, preferences, interests, hobbies, and abstract thought processes. All sections will be automatically calculated incorporating the twenty-nine various dimensions of relationships that previous matchmaking tests have used. Roommate matching will no longer be an afterthought and settling factor on campus, but rather a reasonable accommodation for all college students.

The personality section will focus on the individual’s self-image. Scale systems, such as a 1-10 scale (one being “Strongly Disagree,” and ten being “Strongly Agree”), will be implemented with descriptive adjectives such as, “Warm,” “Clever,” “Lazy,” and “Arrogant.” Students will have the ability to rate themselves on each quality. They will also be able to answer other questions on the scale system, such as, “I view myself as a hard worker,” and “I typically enjoy eating out.”
“Do you smoke?” “Do you go to bed early?” and “Do you study with or without music?” are all fine questions. The SAM will contain many questions like this in the preferences section, as well as a multitude of additional matchmaking questions to better coordinate roommates. Such questions may include, “Do you like to watch television at night before you go to bed?” or “Do you prefer colder or warmer room temperatures?”

The interests and hobbies sections will include special “Free-response questions.” Free-response questions throughout these sections will allow students to input their own values instead of picking from two simple choices. In the interests section, some free-response questions may be “What’s your favorite movie?” or “What’s your favorite sport?” The hobbies section will allow people to type in all of their hobbies, as well as view a huge list of additional hobbies. With the additional list, students will mark each hobby with one of the following options: “I’d Like to Do It,” “I Wouldn’t Like to Do It,” or “I Have Already Done It.”

The abstract section will contain random questions such as, “What number?” “What would you buy right now if you had to spend $10?” and “What’s the one thing you lose the most?” By having totally random questions on the SAM, an entirely new aspect of one’s personality is measured.

All of these results will be matched with others to compare and contrast multifarious aspects of personality and interests. The evaluation will take place entirely online by a computer. The “choice” questions (those that allow you to choose from set answers) will be evaluated much like any normal multiple choice test. Results will be matched based on the highest number of same answers. The free-response sections will also be matched by computer. This will be done by locating each answer and matching it with other similar answers. For example, if the question was, “What’s your favorite movie?” and the answer on one person’s test was “Fight Club,” a second person’s test had, “The Matrix,” and the third person’s test was also “Fight Club,” person one and three would have a positive match.

Another aspect of the Soul Roommate Matchmaking service will be the ability to allow coed dorm rooms, i.e., men and women will be able to share a single room. Carnegie Mellon University has long been experimenting with coed rooms (Schackner). According to an article published in the Pittsburg Post Gazette, Wahr Hall at Indiana University of Pennsylvania has coed dorms, floors, and rooms. "It allows more interaction,” says Betsy Joseph, interim assistant vice president for student affairs. “…Students develop relationships, and I'm not talking about dating relationships, but friendships that men and women develop.” This aspect will be optional, however. On the SAM, students will have the choice to select “Male,” “Female” or “No Preference” as their Soul Roommate.

Hidden criteria will also be calculated into the matchmaking. How much time each student took for the test will be saved and compared, as well as spelling and grammar in the free response sections. Other hidden criteria will include aspects such as changing of answers. More hidden criteria may be considered as the test is designed.
Although this test is designed to create stronger roommate friendships, it may not work out as students think it will. Even if a student is compatible with another student, that doesn’t mean that conflicts will not arise. However, these methods will help to prevent most roommate misunderstandings. Even if the SAM creates a match between two students, they will still be different in some aspects. Difference, however, is vital for the growth and development of human social interaction. Everyone needs to be around people that aren’t exactly like them – this is to ensure that students learn diverse values. After all, college is designed to educate.

There are countless articles, both online and in print, detailing tips and tricks to surviving with a college roommate. With Soul Roommates, these antediluvian articles will finally be able to be put to rest. College students have enough stress dealing with classes, jobs, financial aid, and parents – not to mention their social life. There is no need to add to the daily stress of college life by having a roommate that doesn’t coincide with your values. The SAM will help to eliminate the barrage of problems that roommates encounter throughout the year. This service could easily be applied to university systems around the country, and possibly around the world. College Matchmaking is the wave of the future; soon, university students will be able to live in harmony with their Soul Roommates.