The Day Judy Vanderoef Followed Me Up to Virginia
I'm currently spending my semester break in Richmond, Virginia with my lovely girlfriend Rachel. We are having a blast of a cold time up here. It was so cold the other night, my cell phone was frozen to the point where it couldn't switch between menus! Now that's fun!

Yes, that's a disease growing on me, not snow.

The FOCUS was not able to go anywhere late Sunday night.

The windows were unable to go down.

I decided to draw in the snow.

Rachel tried to eat the snow.

We had fun taking pictures outside.

A very "Clay Aiken" style picture, here.

A very, "Wow, that's a scary DVD cover, let's get that one, I'm sure it's a winner," picture, here.

The beautiful snow.

Something beautiful in the snow.

Both Rachel and I decorated this pretty tree. It's the first one that we've shared! Instead of a star, Rachel decided to buy two teddy bears (one green, and one blue) and put them on the top of the tree. It's very pretty!

A lovely blue ornament with me trapped inside.

A very messy room with Rachel trapped inside.

The Day After Tomorrow.

Wow, there's my FOCUS parked next to a GOLF. Could it be Judy Vanderoef following me upstate?

Ah HA! I told you Judy was here.
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