
A site that I really enjoy is movielens. It allows you to rate movies on a 1 to 5 star system. Based on your ratings, it'll tell what other people have rated movies as well as recommend movies that it thinks you'll enjoy.
It's better than Netflix or Blockbuster Online recommendations because it also predits what you'll rate the movie*.
And that's awesome.
It's fairly accurate. Here are the top 3 movies it's recommending to me today:

And yes, though it may seem impossible, I've managed to float through life for 22 years not having seen The Godfather. Apparently, I've also managed to float by Nothing to Lose and Angela, though I don't think the people in film school would pass much judgment on me for not having seen those two.
I haven't even heard of those two.
But, if movielens says I'll enjoy, then I'll certainly give them a chance. It's better than browsing the walls of Blockbuster and picking movies based on snazzy box art.
*Netflix may actually do this, but I haven't had an account in years. I use Blockbuster Online because it's a much better deal.
Labels: sites I enjoy
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