No one can kill Jack Bauer

Some people call me biased because I love the show 24. But if someone said “what goes up must come down” or “a penny saved is a penny earned” or “a fart in the sky is worth two for the road,” no one would call them biased.
They're all just sayings. And you know what they say about sayings: "Sayings are all true."
And while I was watching this last week’s episode of LOST (the one where they’re on the Island), all I could think was W.W.J.D? What would Jack do? And I’m not talking about that hack Jack Shepard. I’m talking about Jack “Damn It Chloe, We Are Running Out of Time” Bauer. Jack Shepard gives Jacks a bad name. And he gives Kates a bad marriage.
Speaking of which, everyone’s up in arms about Jack and Kate being together. How about Kate and Sawyer? How about Jack and Juliet? To these people I say – how about shut up? Jack and Kate belong together. JACK BAUER AND KATE, of course.
Top 10 Reasons Why Jack Bauer and Kate Austen Belong Together:
- Yes.
You can check it out on YouTube. Or you can check it out below.
There really are no words to describe how I feel about this post. Well, maybe there is one word.
Lost 24 is the best show ever made.
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