Summer cleaning

College is a Movie screen capture, Nov 16, 2004.
- The Writings section will now be on the front page. In fact, I'm probably going to call it "Blog." That's very 2008, and I like to stay trendy. Add the College is a Movie RSS feed to your reader, if you have one, to receive up-to-the-minute updates.
- I will no longer have a Photo section on this site. Bad news? No. Check out my flickr page ( to see my photos. I'm slowly uploading all of the old College is a Movie photos, as well as some great new ones.
- I probably won't have my Music on this site anymore, either. For that, you can check out my SPACE. Get it? My Space? Great.
- Movies. Good question. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do with the Movies as of yet. YouTube seems like a great option -- visit my YouTube page at However, some shorts that I make contain copyrighted material, so I'm going to either have to host them on my site or find some other site that does that. Either way, they'll be available somehow.
- The Forums are gone. But they've been gone for years. No, they're not coming back. Between Lost and Battlestar Galactica, no one has time to keep up with forums.
- I'm going to mess around with the site design, too. That's that.
Which means simply opening up another site and posting on there. And "damn you" to that guy. He never even updates his site.
Labels: site update
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