New Movie: Fire and Pumpkins
I've decided that life is full of signs. Some people believe that the signs are sent to us by a higher being; others believe that the signs are mere coincidences. Here's the trick, though: either way -- higher beings or coincidences aside -- signs happen. Even if you don't think they happen for a reason, you can still recognize them and use them as a note to yourself to pay attention to what's going on in your life.
For example, just the other day I was driving to work when a pumpkin fell off a truck and landed into my car windshield. Suddenly, my car spun out of control and landed in a ditch. Next thing I notice, a NASCAR team of windshield repair experts were at work windshield. It was then when I knew that the smell of Halloween was in the air.
So, in the spirit of Halloween (there's only thirty minutes or so left until November), I've decided to upload a video that gives the world a sneak peek into the lives of me and my roommates at our apartment. It's a short video that shares some tricks, secrets, and spirit during this holiday season.
Click here to load the video page.