Walker, Christopher's in Danger
When I told Rachel that I had to get off the phone last night early, I felt pretty bad. We always talk at night before we go to bed, but I knew that if I talked too much last night, I'd have a harder time getting up in the morning.
It was this morning when I missed class for the fourth time that I decided to look into buying a new alarm clock. I told my mom the other night that I wanted to look into single room housing next semester. I'd have so much more freedom. If I did that, I could use my computer to wake me up playing some triumph overture or something (I would probably not do this). I'm not sure. I'm just mad at myself. I went to bed earlier, and just slept through the alarms? When did they go off? They were both set. I am mad. I feel like punching myself, but I will refrain. Paisley sent me a text message earlier today. She though that'd wake me up? Ha, right. Anyway, I am serious about looking into a single room. It's only $250 more. I have no problem paying that. It's not about having a roommate, it's about not feeling that I can have people over. I hate that! If I had a single room, I'd be more inclined to invite people over.
So, I woke up around 10:00 Am. I set out to English class to present my introductory paragraph. The teacher said that I needed to calm down on the first paragraph, and not introduce so much information. I guess I get so excited about my topic, I just want you to know everything at once. I'm not sure if I mentioned that I received a 103% on my previous English paper. I don't know what's going on with me. I love this writing thing now. I do it all the time, whether it's in class or in my journal.
Another on-campus development over the past few weeks is the Pro-Kerry-Steakout. Some radical Democrats (redundancy?) have decided to camp out in front of the library in order to raise awareness of voting. Although their goal is for people to vote democrat, they say, "We want people to treat voting like using a trash can. We want you to do it regardless of who you vote for. Even if you throw away the American lifestyle." Alright.
By now, I've become accustomed to having people randomly show up in The Commons. They're always out there on Sunday nights playing their card games or having sex with each other. The EVIL invites them over all the time. Sometimes I think about going out there and joining them. I mean, they have asked me in the past, but the thought of playing Card Games on a Sunday night...that's unacademic, if you ask me. And I'm all about school. It's my life. Don't you forget.
Kim and I were walking out of Psychology the other day talking about Professor Negy. He posted the test grades for the first exam, but some jerk ripped them off the wall thinking he was doing the world a service. So, needless to say, Kim and I were pretty upset about this.
PsychoKim88: I wish that I could have found out my test grade.
Me_Me_Me: Yeah, me too. Oh well, I'm sure we'll out Thursday.
PsychoKim88: Do you think he'll post the grades again, or should we go see him in his office?
Wrote_the_Book99 has entered the chat.
Wrote_the_Book99: Are you talking about me?
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Negy has approached us from behind in Delta position -- striking like a venomous snake without us even knowing where he was. Before we knew it, we were talking to DR. NEGY, face to face, mono e stereo.

As we all know, Negy wrote his own book (above). But most people don't know about Dr. Negy's Tips for Success, located in the first section of his book.
Wrote_the_Book99: What did you want to know?
Me_Me_Me: We just wanted to know if you were going to post the grades again.
PsychoKim88: Or if we need to come by your office, or...
Wrote_the_Book99 looks at Kim and Jesse like they're completely stupid.
Wrote_the_Book99: I'll post them on Thursday.
Wrote_the_Book99 has left the chat.
Me_Me_Me: I can't believe he actually looked right into my eyes.
So, I got a 76 on my first psychology exam. Not too bad considering it was my first college exam of all time. The tests are pretty much your entire grade, and you really do have to study. High school in NO WAY prepares you for this. However, I prepared myself and got a 96 on my second psychology exam. This wonderful grade is due to Dr. Negy's Tips for Success (which you can find located in his book). And it's also due to my good psycho friend Kim Blythe and her wonderful study habits. You know, Kim never leaves trash on a table when she's getting up from a sit-down food location (McDonalds, Taco Bell, etc.) In fact, she usually gets a newspaper to read while she's eating, she throws all her trash away, and PUTS THE NEWSPAPER BACK IN THE NEWSPAPER THINGY. She's a true American.

The Terminator 2 Bobble Head (above) lays dormant and in need of repair after a nasty Sunday night fall.
I've been thinking lately of my poodle back home, BB. She's about fifteen years old, and she doesn't move very much. A long time ago, I thought about getting her stuffed. But, as we all know, a process like that costs thousands of dollars. But, I did come across a website called petpreservations.com, which specializes in FREEZE DRYING your dead animals and keeping them alive in your hearts forever. I e-mailed the webmaster of the site.
----- Original Message -----
From: jesse@judyhoof.com
To: webhosting-userform@petpreservations.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 9:05 PM
Subject: Killing My Dog
Hi, my name is Jesse and my dog doesn't move very much. So, I figured that we should keep her that way forever. How much does your freeze drying process cost? She's a 22 pound poodle. And we want to keep her alive in our hearts forever.
----- Reply Message -----
From: webhosting-userform@petpreservations.com
To: jesse@judyhoof.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2004 7:32 PM
Subject: Saving Your Animal
The cost, including return shipping, is $791.00. The entire process takes 4-6 weeks. If you have any other questions, feel free to call. My name is Rich, 602-230-4268. Thanks for your inquiry.
So, I'm thinking that the cost is a little more than BB's worth. Who knows, maybe we'll never have to freeze dry her. Maybe she'll do it herself. She is a very talented animal.From: jesse@judyhoof.com
To: webhosting-userform@petpreservations.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 9:05 PM
Subject: Killing My Dog
Hi, my name is Jesse and my dog doesn't move very much. So, I figured that we should keep her that way forever. How much does your freeze drying process cost? She's a 22 pound poodle. And we want to keep her alive in our hearts forever.
----- Reply Message -----
From: webhosting-userform@petpreservations.com
To: jesse@judyhoof.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2004 7:32 PM
Subject: Saving Your Animal
The cost, including return shipping, is $791.00. The entire process takes 4-6 weeks. If you have any other questions, feel free to call. My name is Rich, 602-230-4268. Thanks for your inquiry.
For those true Matrix fans out there, prepare yourself for THE ULTIMATE MATRIX COLLECTION. The collection will be available on December 7, and it costs $59.98. I wanted to cry, no kidding, when I saw this preview.
I've never understood people who complain about all the stupid people in the world and also complain about homosexual relationships? This argument is one big contradiction. First, I'd definite a lack of understanding as lower intelligence, i.e., the people that say there are too many stupid people in the world are usually stupid themselves. Second, aren't homosexual relationships a form of birth control? I think these kind of relationships are a great idea -- this will directly result in less stupid people! "More fashion, less children. I'm Johnny Kerry, and I approve of this fabulous message!"
The real news of today is indeed very tragic, which is why I felt I had to save it for last. It's actually a day or two old, but here goes: Actor Christopher Reeve, renown for his seventies and eighties movie series Superman, has died. He was fifty two, and I'm not joking. He allegedly died from cardiac arrest, but some believe he may have fell over. If you'd like more information on this event, you can visit MSNBC's website. Thanks to Paisley for this information.
In a recent article on Greg's Movie Previews site, a movie will be made based on the life of Christopher Reeve entitled, "Still Me" with Christopher Walken playing Reeves. This movie is not an autobiography of Christopher Reeve, however. Director Christopher Nolan (Memento, Insomnia) stated, "The movie's premise may be hard for some people to understand. It's not about Reeves, it's about Reeves in a life he didn't have, and the person he would have become. It'll be interesting to see how the audience reacts to such a project."

After actor Christopher Reeve's death, it was discovered that he was indeed Superman -- not Clark Kent.

Christopher Walken (above) will be playing Christopher Reeve in the new movie, "Still Me."

Now able to dance, Clark Walker (Christopher Walken, above) enters the Chicago Crystal Ball Dance Competition.
Due to a horrible horse riding accident (Christopher Walken) Clark Walker can't move from the neck down. When he sees a beautiful dance teacher (Jennifer Lopez) through a window, he wishes he could take lessons from her. The only problem is that he can't dance. He can't walk. The only thing about him is his superior determination skills. The next morning when he wakes up, something's changed. Not only can he walk, but he can dance. He attends the dance teacher's lesson, and astounds her.¹Note for my close friends: It's better to just not plan on getting this for me for Christmas unless you really want to -- but please talk to me before hand.
As the joy of dancing enters his life, he discovers that it might just be the secret to saving his troubled marriage. But he can't find his wife at home. In fact, he can't find anyone he knows from when he couldn't walk. And more importantly, his newfound walking ability may be deteriorating. As the actor's skill as a dancer improves, he eventually signs up for the Chicago Crystal Ball Dance Competition. Will he be able to find his wife and win the dance competition all before his superpower of walking cripples him back to a chair made of wheels?"²
²By the way, I really hope you didn't believe any of the last few paragraphs about the movie. If you did, you are a horrible soul who would probably watch a movie like that. Sick. Sick. Sick. I like it.
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