Let's start off with some good news.

That horribly-colored, sixth grade geography-book-style map you're looking at is the lovely "HURRICANE IVAN." Notice the little random dotted line areas around Florida? I'm sure you can figure out where I'm going with this.
I think it's time we all pooled our money and purchased a home in South Dakota.
Who's with me?
Get a home in South Dakota
Go to Virginia
Go to Clermont
Go to Georiga
Stay in Palm Coast (option has been disabled)
Go to Virginia
Go to Clermont
Go to Georiga
Stay in Palm Coast (option has been disabled)
I spent more time on my hair this morning than I have in awhile. Thursdays are my favorite day of the week because my first class doesn't start until 1:30, and my second class isn't until 6:00 PM -- that's the macroeconomics class that I love so very much. I was a little worried however, that the class would be in big trouble. You see, there are three basic types of classes in college: three times a week, two times a week, and one time a week. Obviously, you have to have the same amount of hours for a class. So, the logical conclusion would be that the less days a week you have a class, the more hours it is, right? Because of the weather last week, macroeconomics was cancelled that one day; however, missing that one day is equivalent to missing three days in college, and an entire week in high school! So, it was going to be interesting to see how the Professor Wolpert would handle the class. Little did I know that class would be more interesting than I thought.
I really do love my psychology class. Professor Negy is amazingly interesting, and he says some pretty amazing things, too.
Wrote_the_Book99: Sexual and aggressive natures tend to drive our thoughts. At least, that's what Freud believed. Think of this example. When you're driving, and someone cuts in front of you, that act has the potential to make you very upset. Sometimes people, not any of you in here, I'm sure, sometimes people will actually follow people who have cut them off, and perform what we like to call road rage. They might follow the person, get our of their car, and walk over to them. It might make you so upset that you feel like stroking them. CHOKING, choking them.
What an amazing man. He asked a question in class, I forget what at the moment, and someone read out of the book to him the answer. He interrupted her in the middle of her talking and said
Wrote_the_Book99: That's great, would anyone else like to read me a passage that I wrote out of my book?
After psychology, I had a lot of English and Math homework that I needed to work on from Wednesday. So, naturally I decided to ignore it and go to BestBuy.
I've had my eye an an Apple iPod for quite some time, now. It's a digital music player that can hold a certain number of songs depending on which one you get. There's the 15GB, 20GB, and 40GB. Basically, the 40GB iPod can hold about 10,000 songs, but it runs about $400. I was eyeing the 20GB one, which can hold roughly 5,000 songs. I'm not sure what compelled me to walk right into BestBuy and walk right out, but I did. Maybe it was my superego kicking in. I just saw the price of the iPod and decided not go buy it. Financial aid was dispersed into my bank account -- so, basically any money that's left over from tuition and room payments in mine to spend on anything. Regardless, I heard my mom's voice in my head, I think. I knew how much it was before I went in there. And I had the intent to buy it. But, I didn't. Instead I went to the pizza place next door and bought a slice of pizza. I was happy.
So, instead I decided to spend a lot less money in Old Navy. All I wanted was a shirt. Just one shirt. And, I found one, but it was too big...and it was a small. I guess I'm just an extra small person in a small man's world. I left without the shirt.
Eventually my day lands me in my economics class. Now, I'm sitting in class, minding my own business, when suddenly the teacher starts talking. Right when the teacher starts talking, a little woman in a chair sits in front of the class moving her hands all around in front of this other girl's face. She's deaf, and the nice woman is translating everything for her. Too bad I can't stop looking at the lady with the flailing arms and inappropriate facial expressions for what he saying. Do you know what I mean? Sometimes those sign people have very seemingly inappropriate faces on in order to convey concepts to people with their hands. For example:

Opportunity costs plays a huge role in economics.

How would you feel if you lost the invested money?

Can you trade that property without property rights?
I've never understood that. They either have no facial expressions, or they're really into it and they're trying to give extra emphasis on what people are saying. Notice they never do it when they are talking in sign language without translating -- just having a conversation with someone, their face is perfectly normal. Weird.
We were going over chapter two when I was sitting there, listening to
And I'm not talking about the standard high school fire alarms, no sireee. I'm talking about an electronic man talking over the PA system with the lights flashing and an air raid alarm sound in the background. No one understood why the alarm went off, but everyone filed out of the classroom and outside.
Right into the pouring rain.
Yes, that's right kids, we had to evacuate right into the rain. So, it's burn alive or get wet. I'd take my chances inside, if I could.
We weren't out there very long, I guess. Let's say about fifteen minutes or so. But, fifteen minutes seems like a lot longer when you're trying to hide under a palm tree avoiding the rain. Now, I don't hate the rain, but I certainly don't like it when I have places to go and people to see, and...in case you didn't read the opening to this entry -- "I spent more time on my hair this morning than I have in awhile." Yeah, that just sucks.
Anyway, we went back inside, sat down, and resumed class. Wolpert continues talking. The nice woman in the front start back up with the flailing arms. By now, the entire class is watching her. The funny thing is that Wolpert knows this, but really can't say anything about it. Well, I mean, I guess he could...the girl wouldn't know.
Now, let me re-explain the class. The class only meets once a week. We missed last week's class due to Francis, so any interruptions really pushes the class back a great deal. With Ivan coming this week, we might miss next Thursday, so
This time, however, no one wants to go out in the rain. So, we all sit there with this man blasting over the PA. My recreation sound clip isn't even near as annoying as the real thing. I tried to get it close. I guess just try to imagine it so loud you can't even talk without shouting. It was so annoying -- and this time, it lasted twenty-five minutes.
Now, after resuming class for the third time, we realize that it might go off again. I guess we were lucky that it didn't.
Oh wait, it did. Strike three. Wolpert cancels class.
So, not only did we miss last week, only have an hour of this week (out of the three hours that we are supposed to have), but we might miss next week. Thanks, Ive.
I came back to the dorm and worked on my various English homework assignments. I finished my math homework the night before, which was a good idea on my part, because I would not have had time to complete it. Oh well. I talked online with Katie for awhile about this weekend, and we made plans to go to Citywalk. I was very excited about Citywalk. I was in bed by 1:30, and I read some in The Wedding. I desperately wanted to finish it, but I didn't have the chance.
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