Clothes make the man
Date: Thursday, August 26, 2004In the news today:
Subject: My life as a teen model.
Current Mood: Disabled Bathroom
Current Music: "One More Night," Phil Collins
Budapest-born producer Andrew Vajna told the newspaper that he is currently working on Terminator 4, which will be made without Arnold Schwarzenegger. Asked how that could be accomplished, he replied, "We will surprise the world."Sounds interesting. I'm not thinking Terminator 4 will be good, but you never know. Although the third one in no way measured up to Terminator 2: Judgment Day, people forget to realize that no science fiction movie since the Matrix Trilogy has come close to redefining how we view cinema, much like Terminator 2 did at the time.
I didn't have class today until 1:30 PM, so for those of you concerned about how late I went to bed last night, you can let your souls finally rest. I woke up early this morning, made my coffee like I always do. Alright, so that's a lie. I woke up at noon. So what?

Did I mention that I've written other books as well? It's the 3rd edition, kids.
Wrote_the_Book103: Can anyone give me an example of when our actions are sexual related? Besides having sex, of course.
GotAnswer87: Sometimes we talk different to the opposite sex. Maybe because we're trying to impress them.
Wrote_the_Book103: Alright, so does anyone have anything intelligent to say, or are we just going to sit around and listen to this moron? Freaking idiot.
GotAnswer87 has signed off and killed himself.
I'm thinking the man is totally insane. He is very funny, though. He's straight to the point, which is very good. The tests, from what I hear, are pretty hard, but if you study you'll do fine. Hello? That's what you have to do. I really do enjoy having him as a teacher. Although I will never offer anything in class, he's welcome to ask me what I think. However, that doesn't guarantee any logical answer.
Wrote_the_Book103: What's your name?
Me_Me_Me: Jesse.
Wrote_the_Book103 So, Jesse, what do you think? Are we driven by our sexual and aggressive desires, as Freud indicates, or do we show more humanistic values? Can the human race be thought of as a positive, good natured, species?
Me_Me_Me: Jesse.
Wrote_the_Book103 Excuse me?
Me_Me_Me: Jesse.
Wrote_the_Book103: You realize I wrote the book, right?

Daniel Keys (above) sits alone is his living room thinking about his love Natalie Green (below), who hasn't spoken with him in a long time.

I'm hoping to submit this project to the film department this fall, along with a portfolio that I will put together. I also think it might be wise to submit this portfolio, but in addition bring my first DVD and this project to a film professor and see what they think about my projects. Working with music videos so much, I'm thinking that that might be an interesting career -- music videos, but a new breed. Not the standard "I've got a band, and they want screen time" videos where random shots of the band fly across the screen. No, I'm talking about relaying the true meaning of each song to whoever is watching the video. Yeah, that could be fun.
We've got the afternoon, you got this room for two. One thing I've left to do, discover me, discovering you. Talented man, that John Mayer. Speaking of music, can I just mention that I think people take music too seriously these days. Everyone's so caught up in saying, "Yeah, he doesn't have a good voice," or "they don't write their own songs," or, and this one is my favorite, "the radio killed that one for me." Like those comments are credible criteria to dictate who is a good artist or not. This is especially hypocritical when those very people are like, "Yeah, John Groban? Clay Aiken? Eh, I don't like them." Alright, so what exactly is your criteria? And why can't you simply admit that you have provincial musical tastes, and you just "like who you like." Over the past, oh, I'd say, few years, I've opened my mind up to so much music. Different artists and genres that I'd never have listened to before. In fact, as long as the song is dynamic, I'll listen to it. I can't really get into heavy metal because most of it has crazy distorted vocals and random instrumentation. I'm sure that music has it's target audience, but, it's just not me. Anyway, at the end of the day, I will listen to almost anything. I think people take it way to seriously. Now, Phil Collins, for example. Amazing man.
Apparently Judy and Jill think it's funny to switch cell phones. When I tried to call Judy today, none other than Jill Vanderoef picked up the phone. What did she say? "La la, call my mom, call my mom!" Then she hung up. Bad reception? I doubt it. She probably was in the middle of something important, i.e., exorcism, basket weaving, etc.
Walking to economics today, I finally felt like a college student. I put on my maroon undershirt tank top today with my dark blue button up express shirt. The colors go together, but I have never done that before. I wore khaki pants, and bam...there I was, the college student. I was what I had grown to hate. I mean, what's the reason people dress all alike? Do they even know? Is it freedom? Or truth? Perhaps peace? Yes? No? Could it be for love? I don't know, but I'm dying to find this store they all shop at.
But, I only felt like a college student. There was one essential element missing, but I pain to say that I don't believe I will ever fall victim to such a widespread, however quickly found, trend. It's called, flip flops. Sandals, flip flops, beach balls, whatever you kids wear on your feet nowadays won't make it's way near me. I promise you that much. So, to accurately display what a college student should look like, let's take a look at a diagram, care of the modern Abercrombie & Fitch®.

The above outfit supplied by Abercrombie & Fitch®.
A: T-shirt, $12.95
B: Belt, $15.50
C: Shorts, $24.95
D: Flip-flops, $8.50
Now, that's not bad, is it? Total cost of the outfit comes to $61. Eh, that's a little expensive for an entire outfit maybe. The shorts are a little expensive, I guess you could say. The sad truth of this situation is that I totally made up those prices. Now, let's take a look at the real prices.
A: Excellent Growth Potential humor tee, $24.50
B: A&F Striped Moose Belt, $24.50
C: Corps Cargo, $49.50
D: A&F Nubuck Tread, $39.50
Now, the reality is when you give everything a real title, like "Striped Moose Belt," and "Nubuck Treads," you're not only technically insane, but you also are required to charge ten times what the item is worth. Total cost of outfit: $138. Excellent growth potential? Give me a break. Oh, and about flip-flops. I've never seen a quicker growing trend outside of Poke man, Gigabit Pets, and the Spice Girls. Shoes work for me just fine, theenks. There's no deep rooted reason why I don't like flip-flops. I have ten toes, and my feet don't look like this:
As I said, I have nothing to hide. I just like shoes. I can run, and get where I need to go on a moment's notice. I also like the feeling of taking off my shoes after a long day. Plus, I can kick people if I so desire. Oh, and if you were wondering, the model's name for the Abercrombie outfit is Brent Holland. He's available for chat. Just IM him at ImmortalHeElf02 on AIM.
macroeconomics (MACK ROW ECK OH NOM ICKS) n. The branch of economics that studies the overall working of a national economy.
I started reading the book before class, and I think that was a mistake. Some professors suggest that you read the material prior to coming to class so you can participate in class discussion and know what the heck you're talking about (NEGY). Well, I read parts of the economics book, and there were all these charts and graphs, and, and, it was horrible.

This digital morph combines actor Ray Liotta actor Paul Bettany into one. This is a fairly accurate counterfeit picture detailing how Mr. Wolpert would look if you saw him in person.
If you noticed by looking at my schedule, you'd see the the economics class spans about three hours. Wow, crazy, right? Not exactly. Here's some interesting things about Mr. Wolpert's class: attendance is not mandatory (as most college classes, attendance is not required, however highly suggested), tests go right along with the class notes, the class project will be to answer 100 multiple choice questions - the answer to the questions will be GIVEN OUT in class, there are two semester exams - both of which you can choose to drop the grades if you want, the final exam is optional - if you take it, and you score high, that score will replace a bad semester exam. That's amazing, actually. Finally, a teacher who is solely interested in teaching the material rather than busy assignment and crap. I learned a whole lot tonight, not because he offered up a bunch of crap to us...but because he was INTERESTING, finally.

Three UCF students celebrate their love for Universal Studios Islands of Adventure. "I don't like roller coasters," says Jennifer (middle), "they make me feel like a man." Jennifer was never seen after that.
I love my psychology and economics class, so far. Math is math, and English seems like a regular high school class.
When I got back from economics tonight, I worked on my English essay for about an hour and finished it. I'm have no idea of the validity of the content, but it sounds good to me. If you'd like to read the essay, you'll need Microsoft Word 2003. It might be interesting to note that I finished the essay at 9:11 PM. I read in the current MLA guide to writing that you're only supposed to put one space in between sentences when you're writing. Well, I've always put two spaces because that's what I was taught when I was younger by teachers and whatnot. So, one space it is. Online, you can't put two spaces unless you insert special code, so it's easy here to follow MLA guidelines.
I should bring my digital camera here so I can take random pictures and upload them all the time. I don't like the Wal-Mart here in Orlando, and that's where I normally get my film processed.
It's 10:53 PM, and I love New York.
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