I woke up this morning with a horrible stomach ache. Does that happen? I couldn't really get rid of it, but it always seems to help when you drink soda. Unfortunately, I didn't have any cold soda because I haven't drank much lately. I've been sticking mostly to water, Gatorade, and apple juice (for those who were wondering, the LEMONADE is still safe and sound...or, what's left of it, anyway). I hopped in the shower, hoping that my stomach ache would work itself out naturally. When that didn't happen, I got clothed myself, whipped my hair together in about five minutes, and went back into my bedroom. I broke out some ice into my blue plastic cup, poured a Pepsi in, and drank away. That was at 8:00 AM. I still had the stomach ache when I left for Math this morning, but it wasn't as bad as it was when I woke up.
I would like to alert everyone to the fact that today is the day before September 11, 2004. Alex Walsh will be leaving today for Chicago. I'm sure you have nothing to fear traveling the day before the anniversary of the horrible terrorists attacks. But, if I were a terrorists, I'd definitely strike the day before my anniversary. You know, change things up a bit. Have a safe trip.
Math class today was anything but exciting. I do quite a bit of walking to get there, too. The campus is relatively vast. If only there was some way to relay to you exactly how far away everything is, and where I have to travel to.
Well, now there is:

Now, let me begin by saying that in comparison to high school, the campus is enormous. But, the walking really isn't all that far for me with my current class schedule. There are some classes that you should probably drive to. These types of classes include:
- Somewhere you deem too far to walk, i.e., 10 - 20 ft., max.
I came back after Math class and got a bite to eat at Wendy's on campus. I walked into my dorm room and saw that I was alone. Kuris came walking in a few minutes later from his 7:30 morning class and went right to bed. Goodnight, Kurtis.
I worked some on my computer for awhile until I had to go to English class.
In English we basically just sat around and talked about memoirs. With the help of Judy Vanderoef, I decided on a topic for my memoir. For those of you who don't know, a memoir is simply a memory that you have in your head on paper. You describe as much as you can remember from, normally, a single instance in your life.
Jesse Chapman
Professor Ethridge
9 September 2004
Memoir Sketch
When I was in eighth grade, I wrote a story in which my math teacher was murdered. I wrote the story on my computer, just like I’m writing this now, hoping for a laugh or two. The intent was to be humorous; however, the story was regarded as a direct threat to the teacher’s life. I was suspended from school for ten days. Even if I wanted to kill my teacher, did they think that suspending me from school would have eliminated my desire to end my teacher’s life? This I’m not sure of. I remember bringing the story to school and photocopying it on the school copy machine. I made about five copies and passed it out to some kids at in the morning before school even started. Now, I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. The focus of the story wasn’t about this math teacher; rather, the focus of the story was nonexistent. In a story where Latin diva Gloria Estefan emerges from a toilet, people pulled donuts out of their ears, and Darth Vader walks around with the rest of us mortals, my math teacher was stabbed in the eye with a compass, and then struck down with a black light saber. Not only is there no concrete plot to this story, but the focus doesn’t exist because there is none. This fantasythat I created in my mind and later transcribed to paper was overtlysatirical. I guess I’d like to say that I learned something from being suspended, but all it reinforced in my mind is that you are only allowed to be as creative as people want you to be.
For those of you who don't know, that is a true story. I'll post the entire paper online when it's completed (for those who give a crap about my writing, that is).Professor Ethridge
9 September 2004
Memoir Sketch
When I was in eighth grade, I wrote a story in which my math teacher was murdered. I wrote the story on my computer, just like I’m writing this now, hoping for a laugh or two. The intent was to be humorous; however, the story was regarded as a direct threat to the teacher’s life. I was suspended from school for ten days. Even if I wanted to kill my teacher, did they think that suspending me from school would have eliminated my desire to end my teacher’s life? This I’m not sure of. I remember bringing the story to school and photocopying it on the school copy machine. I made about five copies and passed it out to some kids at in the morning before school even started. Now, I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. The focus of the story wasn’t about this math teacher; rather, the focus of the story was nonexistent. In a story where Latin diva Gloria Estefan emerges from a toilet, people pulled donuts out of their ears, and Darth Vader walks around with the rest of us mortals, my math teacher was stabbed in the eye with a compass, and then struck down with a black light saber. Not only is there no concrete plot to this story, but the focus doesn’t exist because there is none. This fantasythat I created in my mind and later transcribed to paper was overtlysatirical. I guess I’d like to say that I learned something from being suspended, but all it reinforced in my mind is that you are only allowed to be as creative as people want you to be.
So, after English I decided to go shopping for some important items.
After shopping I came back to the dorm and worked on a few projects that I had planned.
Katie called me and wanted to know if our plans for Citywalk were still on for tonight. I told her yes, and that I'd meet her from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM there. So, around 5:50 I left. Around 6:20, I was there. Katie called me as I'm pulling into my parking spot.
Hit_and_Run86: Yeah, umm, Eugenia is going to go with us. Are you mad?
Me_Me_Me: No, just surprised. That's fine. I'm here now, how much longer are you going to be?
Hit_and_Run86: Well, we're just leaving Palm Coast
Me_Me_Me: Uhhhhh...
Hit_and_Run86: Yeah, but it won't take long. I mean, the traffic is gone, so that's good.
Now this makes me wonder about Katie's mental state. How does she know that the traffic is gone? I just sat in Katie's nonexistent traffic for thirty minutes. She won't be here until 8:00.
Hit_and_Run86: So, I'll be there in an hour.
Two and half hours later, Katie arrives. By that time, I wasn't really mad anymore. I had time to chill out and get a few things -- namely, Dip-and-Dots. Oh my god, if you don't know what those babies are, you need to find out, and quick. They are little frozen dots of ice cream, and, ooh, baby are they expensive, but voodoo good!
We hung around in Citywalk for awhile playing DDR and airhockey. We ate at the Hard Rock Cafe, and I got out of there for a mere $11.00. Good deal if you ask me, but spicy wings.
It took me awhile to find my car because I didn't really commit to memory where I had parked, which was probably not the best thing. It's not like Wal-Mart where you have a general idea of where you parked. No, it's Universal Studios Florida, and you won't find your car, loser. Well, I was trying to find my car, it was midnight, so I decided to phone home and talk with my mom. It was Friday, and I figured she'd be up. Of course she wasn't up, so I didn't bother to leave a message.
Speaking of phoning home, I parked in E.T., and found my car after only fifteen minutes of heavy-duty searching. I was lucky.
I didn't go to bed until 5:00 AM. I had some major projects to work on, and I'm still not done. But, good news is that I finished The Wedding, and I recommend it to anyone who's got some free times, and a maturity about their life. It's not for anyone who doesn't like to read, and it's not for anyone who doesn't enjoy movies like About Schmidt. Enough said, I think.
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