Movies and Terrorism

This picture shows President George Bush getting off his private helicopter, getting ready to make a public announcement.
Maybe tomorrow.
There's nothing better like a turkey and cheese sandwich with some mayonnaise (real mayonnaise, not that miracle whip slime) to start the day right. I filled my shatterproof pop-top drinking cup with some apple juice and started drinking away. Oh my, how the taste of food in the morning just wakes you up so good and tastes so new. It's like you're eating for the first time in hours.
Did I mention that I stopped drinking so much soda? Yeah, I used to drink probably about twenty a day (I am in no way joking), or probably more. But, people tell me that it's bad for you, and I don't want to do things that are bad for me, so instead, I choose to do things that are good for me, i.e., apple juice, Gatorade (which I hear mixed reviews on if it's good for you or not), LEMONADE (which is still not in the fridge yet), and, well, water, eventually. I'm hoping to wean myself off all this garbage. I really love eating healthy. I buy everything either light or low fat. Yes, I can taste a difference in the food products, and no, it may not taste as good. However, if you eat if for a
Wanna hear an extremely funny sound clip of a comedian talking about September 11, 2004?
while, you tend to forget how the fat-packed version tastes and you like the new ones. If you just force yourself to buy it at the store, and you just eat it, there's little you can do about it. I've never been one for addiction -- except maybe soda -- so when I start changing my diets, I'm pretty easy-going. But that's not to say I'm not a picky eater. My goodness, how I love Italian food (don't we all?). I think I could live purely off Italian food -- namely pizza, kids. Ah, the joys of food.
To be perfectly honest in a very, "please-don't-feel-bad-for-me" sort of way, I sat in my room all day. I went out a few times to go to the bathroom, but, other than that, nope. I sat here, eating, typing, working on some various projects I had to do. So, there's nothing good to post in this entry. However, I did finish my list of my favorite one hundred movies of all time. The thing about this list is that it could be wrong. I may be forgetting a movie, not thinking of one, or simply didn't think too hard about which movies I liked over the other ones. I tried to get some varying genres in there, and that can cause problems. But, for all intents and purposes, here is the list:
My 100 Favorite Movies
(updated 10/7/04)
1. About Schmidt
2. Airplane!
3. A.I.
4. Aliens vs. Predator
5. Anger Management
6. Austin Powers: Goldmember
7. Back to the Future Part II
8. Beautiful Mind, A
9. Beauty and the Beast
10. Bicentennial Man
11. Big Fish
12. Bruce Almighty
13. Cast Away
14. Catch Me If You Can
15. Chicago
16. Collateral
17. Contact
18. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
19. Day After Tomorrow, The
20. Die Another Day
21. Dirty Dancing
22. Dodgeball
23. Dogma
24. Dreamcatcher
25. Drop Dead Fred
26. Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas
27. Erin Brockovich
28. Fight Club
29. Frequency
30. Forgotten, The
31. Garden State
32. Gladiator
33. GoldenEye
34. Ghost
35. Gothika
36. Identity
37. Jurassic Park
38. Jingle All the Way
39. K-PAX
40. Kill Bill, Volume I
41. Kill Bill, Volume II
42. Last Samurai, The
43. Liar Liar
44. Life of David Gale, The
45. Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
46. Love Actually
47. MI:2
48. Man on the Moon
49. Mafia!
50. Majestic, The
51. Matchstick Men
52. Matrix, The
53. Matrix Reloaded, The
54. Matrix Revolutions, The
55. Meet Joe Black
56. Memento
57. Mission: Impossible
58. Mrs. Doubtfire
59. Moulin Rouge
60. Mummy Returns, The
61. Notebook, The
62. Ocean’s 11
63. Office Space
64. One Hour Photo
65. Others, The
66. Panic Room
67. Patch Adams
68. Pearl Harbor
69. Phone Booth
70. Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl, The
71. Pleasantville
72. Ring, The
73. Red Dragon
74. Robocop
75. Serendipity
76. Scary Movie 3
77. Shrek 2
78. Silence of the Lambs
79. Signs
80. Sixth Day, The
81. Sixth Sense, The
82. Something’s Gotta Give
83. Speed
84. Spider-Man II
85. Star Wars: The Clone Wars
86. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
87. Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
88. Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
89. Swordfish
90. Terminator 2: Judgment Day
91. Titanic
92. True Lies
93. Truman Show, The
94. Venomous
95. Village, The
96. What Dreams May Come
97. What Lies Beneath
98. White Oleander
99. Wimbledon
100. X-Men II
If, for some reason, I'm completely mistaken in my movie judgment, or have another suggestion to throw at me, I'd be happy to hear from you and possibly put it on my list. That'd bump another movie off, but that's cool as long as it's better than any single movie on this list (and I agree, and I've seen it).
(updated 10/7/04)
1. About Schmidt
2. Airplane!
3. A.I.
4. Aliens vs. Predator
5. Anger Management
6. Austin Powers: Goldmember
7. Back to the Future Part II
8. Beautiful Mind, A
9. Beauty and the Beast
10. Bicentennial Man
11. Big Fish
12. Bruce Almighty
13. Cast Away
14. Catch Me If You Can
15. Chicago
16. Collateral
17. Contact
18. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
19. Day After Tomorrow, The
20. Die Another Day
21. Dirty Dancing
22. Dodgeball
23. Dogma
24. Dreamcatcher
25. Drop Dead Fred
26. Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas
27. Erin Brockovich
28. Fight Club
29. Frequency
30. Forgotten, The
31. Garden State
32. Gladiator
33. GoldenEye
34. Ghost
35. Gothika
36. Identity
37. Jurassic Park
38. Jingle All the Way
39. K-PAX
40. Kill Bill, Volume I
41. Kill Bill, Volume II
42. Last Samurai, The
43. Liar Liar
44. Life of David Gale, The
45. Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
46. Love Actually
47. MI:2
48. Man on the Moon
49. Mafia!
50. Majestic, The
51. Matchstick Men
52. Matrix, The
53. Matrix Reloaded, The
54. Matrix Revolutions, The
55. Meet Joe Black
56. Memento
57. Mission: Impossible
58. Mrs. Doubtfire
59. Moulin Rouge
60. Mummy Returns, The
61. Notebook, The
62. Ocean’s 11
63. Office Space
64. One Hour Photo
65. Others, The
66. Panic Room
67. Patch Adams
68. Pearl Harbor
69. Phone Booth
70. Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl, The
71. Pleasantville
72. Ring, The
73. Red Dragon
74. Robocop
75. Serendipity
76. Scary Movie 3
77. Shrek 2
78. Silence of the Lambs
79. Signs
80. Sixth Day, The
81. Sixth Sense, The
82. Something’s Gotta Give
83. Speed
84. Spider-Man II
85. Star Wars: The Clone Wars
86. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
87. Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
88. Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
89. Swordfish
90. Terminator 2: Judgment Day
91. Titanic
92. True Lies
93. Truman Show, The
94. Venomous
95. Village, The
96. What Dreams May Come
97. What Lies Beneath
98. White Oleander
99. Wimbledon
100. X-Men II
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