
Matthew MacTiger

Ever since I updated the design for the site, there have been random script pages that don't load entirely "correctly." There are broken links, weird backgrounds, and other old designs that don't quite look good. I've gradually been trying to phase out the old design and implement the new design on all the pages. I just recently updated the very popular "Death of the Abyss" SCRIPT ADDITION. Most people will remember this wonderful addition as the my first children's book. It's a wonderful little story, and recommended to all.

I'm in a play and everyone should come see me. All the shows are at Seaside Music Theater Downtown on Beach Street. The schedule is as follows:
  • April 28: 8pm
  • April 29: 8pm
  • April 30: 2pm & 8pm
  • April 31: 2pm
So, you want to know what the story is about, eh? Well, one web-site (I guess now two web-sites, seeing how it's going to be on mine, now) said this:
While on a cross-country lecture tour, Sheridan Whiteside, international orator, accepts an invitation to dine with the Stanleys, a prominent Ohio family. The Stanleys meet Whiteside and Maggie Cutler, his irreplaceable and tolerant secretary, at the train station and drive them to their home. While Mrs. Stanley coos over Whiteside, he showers her with condescending sarcasm. However, as he's walking toward the house he slips on the ice, hurting his leg badly. As he's carried inside, he threatens a lawsuit. The Stanleys, frightened by the threats, accommodate Whiteside's outlandish wishes, throwing the household into pandemonium.

Above, Matthew Reeve, star of The Man Who Wheeled to Dinner, stands with his wife, Judy Reeve.

That's pretty accurate. The show is going to be hilarious not only because it's a comedy, but because Matthew MacDermid stars, and Judy Vanderoef is his nurse -- yes, Judy Vanderoef is actually in the show -- and there is a hilarious scene with Judy and myself. If you don't miss one show in your entire life, make it this one.

In movie news, M. Night Shamalagaga's new movie is called The Lady in the Water. The movie focuses on a superintendent of an apartment and his discovery of a "sea nymph" living in the building's swimming pool.

I think we all guess this as Shamalgegugu's next film. Good luck with that one, Shammy.

Of course, Spider-Man 3 is due out very soon: May 4, 2007. I'll be about 70 years old by then. Potential villains for this movie are Venom (my personal pick) and Sandman (what?).

Die Hard 4.0 is in development. I will not see this movie.

Casino Royale is the next James Bond movie; however, Pierce Brosnan will not be playing Bond. The top candidate for the Bond replacement right now is Clive Owen, star of Closer and Sin City. I'm not sure about this since I LOVE Brosnan, but maybe it'll work. It's all in how he plays it.

Could Clive Owen play the next James Bond? Who would you choose? Colin Farrell? Hugh Jackman? Those were the other candidates.

As many of you know, it's Florida State Thespian week. That means that all the high-ranking district pieces will advance to the state level this week. There will be workshops, interesting speakers, acting activities, important information, and amazing performances to watch -- none of which troupe 5023 will be a part of (however, they may perform amazingly =).

I ordered Natasha Bedingfield's CD single of "I Bruise Easily," and it should be arriving in a few days. The CD contains a recording of "Ain't Nobody," performed by Daniel and Natasha Bedingfield. I'm not sure if the recording is a professional live recording or a studio recording, but either way I'm sure it'll be awesome.

I know I've mentioned this on THE VILLAGE, but I have to urge everyone to download both Picasa 2 and Hello -- two amazing programs from Google. The programs are designed to organize and share any of your pictures on your hard drive. The programs are quite amazing.

If you're looking for a GMAIL account, Google's free e-mail program, contact me. Trust me, no matter what e-mail service you have now, GMAIL is better.

Yes. Creepy.

So, I'm tired of talking about moves and instead will talk about apples. I went to Stetson the other night to visit my friends Afro Queen and Vanessa. When I met them outside of the cafeteria, I was approached by a scary looking man with an apple. He handed the apple to me, walked away, and filmed the entire event.


I'm not sure what the heck he was doing, but I'm sure he'll rest easy knowing that I accepted the apple (however, instead of eating it, I put it on the fruit tray in the cafeteria -- I've seen Show White).

And I'm done.



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